Breaking in the boys club??

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Greenville, SC
Do you have any suggestions as to how I can talk some of my gal friends into diving? Anytime it comes up with my guy friends, they are ready to learn. Not so with the girls. I only have one other gal dive buddy and she was already a diver when I met her.

Even though diving at this point is more of a boys club, the boys have been more than willing to welcome me in as new diver. The guys I have been diving with for the most part have been super. Good buddies, very willing to help me as new diver. Share tips about things they have learned to make diving more fun for me. As many divers go through the same things their suggestions have helped me in the learning curve.

However, even though I tell my gal friends that diving is fun and they will be welcomed by the guys, there is still this big barrier about getting into diving. The danger, the look, the weight to the gear, and so on blah blah blah. I try to tell my friends that everyone looks bad in a wet suit—even the so called hot people. A wet suit and dive gear is the great equalizer when it comes to beauty.

So have you found anything that is helpful in breaking down the mental other barrier that seems to keep a lot of gals out of the sport? Diving is still a boys club, but I don’t think you can blame the boys for that. So any ideas on how to get more women in the sport?

I do welcome posts from both men and women as long as they are on topic and relevant. I was named Women's Forum Queen among other things over in the Jolly Roger thread, so please don't anger the Queen. LOL:wink:
If they are anything like other women...get a bloke to tell them they CANT do it!!!

Sorry couldnt resist!
Seriously One way i find that works is to leave lots of dive mags around, lots of dive photos and if you can, a dive video running in the background. If they are interested, they will then come and ask you about it.

1. YOU do not appear to be nagging them about it and
2. If they come to YOU, they are ready to at least listen and be persuaded.

If you 'blah blah' (and im not insinuating you would!) them about diving, you could end up putting them off!
A trip to Bonaire worked like a charm for El Zee. Might not be feasible here. :)

How about a Discover Scuba Girls' Day out?

I was named Women's Forum Queen among other things over in the Jolly Roger thread, so please don't anger the Queen. LOL :wink:
As a Dutchman I know it's wise not to anger the Queen, Borg or otherwise. :rofl3:
I guess you should try diving in S. Florida. I frequently dive with lots of women. Sometimes, I am the only guy on the dive.

I never thought of diving as a "boys club"

Maybe less stereotypes would help?
Diving Doc:
If they are anything like other women...get a bloke to tell them they CANT do it!!!

Sorry couldnt resist!

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:
Acutally, that just might work. I think I know the just the guy to help me out!:rofl3:

I think that works both ways. None of us like the opposite sex telling us we can't do something. Seems to be hard wired in us that for some reason that will motivate us.
I never thought of diving as a "boys club"

Maybe less stereotypes would help?

The fact is that men out number women by a large percentage in scuba, just like in NASCAR and so on. So I mean "boys club" just by the nature of how things are currently and the number of participants of men and women.
Well it works with my wife!! You SHALT NOT seems to be mentally translated as I will do what the hell i like!!

Baack to the point though, have you got a friendly connection with an LDS? Have you considered going to them and asking about Girls only courses, boat trips? How about girls only socials? We tried that here and it worked v. well, but you do need to be careful of alienating us poor, sensitive, shy fellas!
The fact is that men out number women by a large percentage in scuba, just like in NASCAR and so on. So I mean "boys club" just by the nature of how things are currently and the number of participants of men and women.
Perhaps in some places, but I can state with certainty that I see a large number of women diving. I'm not into NASCAR, so I couldn't say for sure, but I would venture a guess that the percentage of women divers to women drivers is MUCH MUCH HIGHER.
It could also have to do with locations. . . I know in Maryland there weren't near as many females as male divers. . . But down in Fl, where it is warmer and less gear is required, the chance of getting a female to dive is greater. . .
It could also have to do with locations. . . I know in Maryland there weren't near as many females as male divers. . . But down in Fl, where it is warmer and less gear is required, the chance of getting a female to dive is greater. . .
OK... thus my response that I don't think it's a "boys club" - that's just the kind of thinking that perpetuates the situation :wink:

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