Brand loyalty

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Ok, I have seen people talk about shops they work for wanting them to wear the shops brand. Sort of fair enough.

My question is, how brand loyal is everyone? Do you try to stay with one brand? Do you mix and match to your hearts content? I'm curious about this. Thanks

I look for quality at a fair price regardless of brand.

BC & dive computer are Aries
Regulator is Atomic
Fins are Atomic
Booties and weights are Seasoft
Dry suit will be DUI

Wife is same except BC is ScubaPro Ladyhawk
Daughter is same except BC is ScubaPro LadyHawk and regulator is ScubaPro MK25SA.
I am a new diver and i have just started to buy gear the one thing no one has spoken of is there LDS you would think people would be loyal to the them

I hear this said and sure it sounds good but not everybody is associaed with an LDS. I realize that in this country what substitues for SubAquatic clubs and other social/diving clubs and organizations is the LDS. However, I don't own an LDS and I don't belong to one either and I did not learn to dive at an LDS nor had I even seen an LDS for the first decade I was a diver (for the most part) so the concept of the LDS is not all that ingrained in me. I buy my gear where I get the best price and if I utilize the services of a brick and mortor store to try something on or such as that then I generally buy it from them considering that service is part of the price. I don't have an instructor to quote or an LDS to belong to. My "LDS" is a virtual shop and my instructor has taken the long dive.

Personally, I don't know if I'd call it loyalty, but I definitely have a preference for Scubapro.

Having spent my time dealing with the equipment companies trying to resolve customer issues, I can't find another company that compares to it. At times they chose to support me, the store, and the customer when I would have happily accepted a simple refusal from them.

By the same token, there's a couple of brands out there I won't buy even though they have good gear. Once I have to tell a customer that the company doesn't have any regulator kits and can't tell me WHEN they will have them I write off the company.

I won't name them, but talking with your friends will let you know who had to wait an extra 3 weeks beyond quoted time for no special repair reason.

Hope that this helps.
I am really partial to my Healthway fins, but staying loyal to the brand is tough. I also have some old circa 80's Zeagle Ranger BCs, one each in blue red, black and flourescent pink (I'm thinking of taking a series of pictures in them, all kinda' Andy Warholish, but I digress, totally, totally digress.

I think theres a lot of good gear by a lot of good manufacturers out there. Hopefully the "Chevy vs. Ford clan" stays at the tractor pulls and out of the water....

I am pretty loyal to the Pacific though....
My loyalty is to whatever works for me at the best price. My regs are Oceanic, I have an oceanic bc but prefer my DSS plates and wings for anything other than pool. My fins are AL blades or super rockets, Wetsuit BARE, drysuit OS Systems, I also have alot of dive rite pockets, smb, reel etc. If a shop wants me to use their gear exclusively then they need to provide it from rental or sell to me at cost. Otherwise it's not worth it to be a billboard for free in gear I'm not comfortable in or do not believe is the best for me. I have actually been approached about selling my DSS stuff to buy things from a new line. At "just a little more than cost". In other words if I don't get enough out of my DSS gear to cover it I'll just have to add a little. As Noah said to God- "RIGHT?" Ain't no friggin way. Want me to switch- convince me the new stuff is just as good and trade me even up. If cost is less- refund me the difference. Otherwise go pound salt.
You are either a gear snob or not, if you make the incorrect choice you will die! (or at least empty your wallet). I choose based on quality, reccomendations etc...

As for being loyal to an LDS are you loyal to a Car dealer? Gas Station? McDonalds?

The most loyal group that I have experienced are smokers some of them will go to extermes to get the right brand style etc..
I think theres a lot of good gear by a lot of good manufacturers out there. Hopefully the "Chevy vs. Ford clan" stays at the tractor pulls and out of the water....

You have never been to a tractor pull I take it. They are probably illegal in California anyway.
I'm a mix and match. I too go for what I feel is quality and what works for me. I don't have to have certain equipment from a certain manufacturer. When I look for a new piece of gear I check out several brands. I also like to check out what other divers are using and ask them what they like about their gear etc.
It will be next spring before I am able to buy anything of significance...BC, Comp, etc. I am also looking to replace or supplement my masks, fins, etc. Thus I have a long time to armchair shop. Reviews and opinions on here and other places sure help.
I am a new diver and i have just started to buy gear the one thing no one has spoken of is there LDS you would think people would be loyal to the them
I believe you may have just exposed a cylindrical metal container of nematodes to the ambient environment. :wink: Having said that, I would agree that brand loyalty may be somewhat circumstantial - and related to the LDS. I use only one LDS, and tend to have gear brands that they carry - I buy all my new equipment there and have it serviced there. (I also staff there and wear store brands while assisting in classes.) Another factor is that I like to try gear before I buy new equipment, and I am able to borrow gear from (and loan gear to) the owner or other staff to sample, gear which reflects the brands at the LDS. So, I circumstantially end up with Apeks and Zeagle regs (and love them) because the LDS carries them, but don't have SP regs (which I understand are also great) because the LDS does not carry them. A few times, I have also purchased other, well-known brand gear used to try it, because the investment wasn't as significant. And, based on SB threads, if a need ever arose I would probably try certain brands (e.g. DSS), and stay away from other brands, simply because of the tone of posts from representatives of the company.

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