Bonne Terre

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Alabama , USA
Hi, an Alabama diver visiting your site. Just found Bonne Terre Mine on the web and it looks like a great place, though a little expensive. Is it as great at it looks? I am a new diver who hasn't been anywhere so far except my local quarry.

SkyBird from Alabama
My sister-in-law dove there this summer and said it was amazing. Since you have never been anywhere but your local quarry you will probably find the "gin-clear" water very interesting. She said it was like she wasn't even underwater it was so clear.

I'm hoping to get down there sometime myself.
Ber :lilbunny:
Do a search here on the board for "Bonne Terre". Before doing so get yourself something to eat and drink because you will be here for some time.
Most will say that it was a neat experience but it wasn't worth the $$. I dove it last year and MIGHT do it again. Word of advice, if you go, dive it dry. I'm saying this because the SI is a lot easier dry then wet, especially during the winter.
My biggest beef was that we were packed in the dressing room like sardines. When people are going to the restroom (different building) to dress, something is wrong.
I dove there in July of 2004 and was very disappointed....That I couldn't dive there again this year! I originally signed up for the first 2 dives and ended up doing a third which was fantastic. I am a Critter Watcher from the word go, so it was with a little trepidation that I signed up for diving somewhere which had NO life. But it was totally awesome-finning along the "canyons" was like flying without a plane. Very cool.
I did it in a wet suit but it was July and I'm a Pacific Northwest diver and I had a 7mm wetsuit with a 7mm jacket and was used to diving in 45-55 degree water. The divemasters that work there all dive dry so that might tell you something.
If you go, have a great time!
It is beautiful, and makes a great winter dive since the water is 55-ish all year-round, whereas the local lakes get down to 37-42 F in the winter.

It's worth diving at least once and you'll want to do at least 3 or 4 dives despite the cost. The deeper dives are the more interesting ones, more formations and structures to check out. The clarity of the water is amazing, remember one dive where there are old tire tracks on the bottom and you'd swear that you weren't under water seeing them. Have dove the mine twice and have thought about going back again, the cost does put me off though. Do look for lodging elsewhere, their prices are too high. Exposure suit wise a good 7mm wet suit will keep you comfortable, though a dry suit will be better for the SI. Be prepared to be tested and baby sat a bit, the first dive is a shallow checkout dive, they will check your buoyancy and probably make you buddy breath off your primary. Also if you plan to go back be sure to have your log book stamped! They are serious about checking log books for prior dives in the mine and if you don't have the stamps you'll get stuck doing the shallow dives again.
It is beautiful, and makes a great winter dive since the water is 55-ish all year-round, whereas the local lakes get down to 37-42 F in the winter.


Where I live the divers say it's a waste of money and only tourists dive there. I've never done it, so far I don't think I intend to either so I won't comment much about it. As I see it the only thing it offers is good vis compared to what I normally see around here and that's not enough to get me there over other sites.

I met a couple divers down south and they told me it's good to dive once and after that it's nothing special. They did it just to say they did it.
Hey Skybird-

Where you at in Alabama? There is some good spring diving in the panhandle, Vortex springs is just outside of Ponce De Leon, FL and they have a nice shop and campground. Decent diving there, and plenty of other springs around that can be dived. And its only a couple hours from Montgomery

Just an alternative, I've not made it to Bonne Terre yet mostly due to the costs. I know several folks that can't wait to go back though. *Shrug*


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