Driftin by, there was/is no intent to bash Coz, I just call it like I see it. I take it from your responce you have never been to Bonaire. My impression of Coz was based on comparisons to Freeport Bahama, Bonaire and since then Roatan, all of which I enjoy. I have plans to return to Freeport, Bonaire and maybe Roatan this year. The entire experience on Bonaire is much differnet than Coz. I see Coz as more of a vacation place where you dive a little as opposed to Bonaire which is a dive vacation. By that, I mean the main reason I am there is to dive, eating and sleeping are secondary. I do believe that a lot of the negatives I have towards Coz are a direct result of the cruise ship industry. Instead of repeat customers, they rely on one shot at hundreds of day tourist. Bonaire is the opposite, they live and die by the repeat customer. This is the reason many Bonaire regulars are concerned with the increasing cruise ship traffic.
I don't expect to get robbed in either place and most likely you won't. I never felt threatened on Coz. In 11 trips to Bonaire I have had zero problems. I have no doubt that the occasional room gets broken into on Coz, just as it does on Bonaire. The difference is for what ever reason it gets reported on Bonaire. To my knowledge, no one on Coz drives to remote locations and dives which is the norm on Boniare. Therefore, you would not see reports of thieft of items from a vehicles.
Like I said before, I am not a picky eater, actually I like and seek out the small mom and pop places. The entire week I was on Coz I honestly did not find a place I thought was good - with the exception of the pizza place, something I can not say for the Bahamas, Bonaire or any other place I have traveled. One of the few reasons I would like to go back to Coz is to see if I just had a bad week with restaurants, it happens.
If this is your first trip to Bonaire, I encourage you to search the board, read all the hints, tips and suggestions. And when you return, give us your impression.