QueenAngel:Personally speaking, NO dive destination has diving fantasic enough for me spend thousands of dollars, not to mention my precious holiday time, in a place who obviously has so little regard for thievary aimed against the dive community visiting the island. I have no intention of EVER going to Bonaire, if my entire vacation I must watch my personal belongings like a hawk. Taking normal precautions are one thing....Having to do so at the expense of my peace of mind...thats another. I will gladly take my holidays somewhere else. Bonaire should take a lesson from Jamacia.
Jamaica....are you kidding?? While there are some problems with petty crime on Bonaire and that's not nearly as bad as some would have you believe, it's a lot safer that Jamacia. I have and do travel all over the island of Bonaire and feel completely safe. I walk down side steets, both day and night with my wife, something I would never do if I felt threatened. Is that something you would do anywhere in Jamaica? I have made 2 trips this year, have a 3rd planned soon and have been on island every year since 1999. So far I have had NO problems. If you think Jamaica is safe, Bonaire is pure heaven. Here is a SMALL part of what the US Dept of State has to say about Jamacia, this was taken directly off their web site. I would not go to a place described like that armed. Bonaire is found under the heading of the Netherland Antellies. When reading the profile, remember that it includes Curacao which has a lot higher crime rate than Bonaire.
"CRIME: Crime, including violent crime, is a serious problem in Jamaica, particularly in Kingston. While the vast majority of crimes occur in impoverished areas, the violence is not confined. The primary criminal concern of a tourist is being a victim of theft. In several cases, armed robberies of Americans have turned violent when the victims resisted handing over valuables."
I just have to ask, exactly what do you do while in Jamacia, stay in the confines of an all inclusive resort? If so, then I guess you might be safer. Personally, I don't want to be couped up at one place. On Bonaire I travel all over the island by myself, eating in local restaurants, diving when and where I want and shopping in the local stores. I really believe that one of the reaons that Bonaire gets such a bad rap is because people actually get out and travel all over the island unaccompied, something that is very dangerous to do in many other places but on Bonaire is the accepted norm. The locals are warm,friendly people and I look forward to seeing many of them each time I return. Getting to know the real locals is a large part of what I like about Bonaire. Don't believe a lot of the hype you hear, if you miss experiencing Bonaire, you miss a lot. There is a reason that so many of us return year after year.