And so it goes, AGAIN. First it was, hey, it's just sunglasses and chapstick they're stealing from your rental car, then it was gas from your rental car, then tires from your rental car, then it was catch and release by the feckless cops on Bonaire, then it was room burglaries, then safes getting pulled out of the damn walls, then burglaries while tourists slept in the other room, then it was kidnapping
and now murder. Anyone see a bad pattern here? And the people with a vestied interest in Bonaire [most will claim they don't] will plead with you to ignore these warnings. If nothing is done to stem the rising tide of crime on Bonaire why would you be surprised to see it escalate, get worse, get more serious and more deadly?
Of course the usual cast of characters will come along and attack and say that it's Boniare bashing, when all it is is pointing out the truth - Bonaire is getting very unsafe and there are many many places in the Dive World that are safer. Go to Boniare at your own risk.