BHB ScubaTroll
Already changing the criterion of your own, let's see, your screen name is BONAIRETRIP. yeah, yeah, I guess you would be real impartial
I wash my hands of you.pilot fish:There is a common connection between the Bonaire cheerleaders, with the exception of NWGD, they all have a vested interest in Bonaire, own property there, take groups there, live there, etc.
- You have no experience for your point of view
- You have no basis in reality of what is and is not happening on Bonaire.
- I have no idea what disease you contracted the one time you were there, but it must have been bad for you to continue this personal vendetta you have against the island.
- You present dubious information and dish it out as fact without providing anything to back it up.
- Others post fact with case proof to backup their statement and you claim they cannot believe their source.
- etc., etc., etc...
You know, this pretty much fits most of the criterion for TROLL, and I am tired of it and will no longer participate