As has been said previously, lifts are not an option on US flagged vessels because of government regulations. I have seen a 110 lb. petite woman rock a set of steel 108's. It's all about fitness level, not body type.
But there's no reason not to have a block and tackle to lift the kit from the water.
Granted site, conditions and skills may play a role, but anyone who dives from a RIB or inflatable de-kits in the water, and pulls the kit back over the tubes. Getting back in the boat on a RIB or inflatable is harder than climbing a ladder.
I understand, to some degree, the comments about being self sufficient. I am not as strong, or as fit as I was in my 30's and 40's, sports injuries and age are catching up with me. What I could have done at 30. I can't do now. I have learnt to adapt, if push comes to shove, i'll ditch kit so I can climb out, even if I can't get it back.
Dekitting in the water is normal practice for those diving from RIB's and inflatables, even in rough weather (we use above force 4 as the general rule to stop diving). There are some teams diving 100m wrecks off RIB's.
It's just adapting, training and practice.
Personally I prefer a slightly larger boat with, a lift, toilets and tea or hot chocolate.