lost, even with a compass
hoosier:I am wondering if you reserve the shelter or not. I have talked with David about the shelter last Saturday. As long as we have some campers, I am thinking about a north shelter at the end.
Is there anyone who will come to BS early for the day diving?
I will send out the email to our club members tomorrow.
I am up in the air as to what time I will be there. If I get Moonie the SB traveling gnome on Friday then I am going to make ever effort to be at BS by around 10. If I don't get Moonie Friday and wait for his Saturday delivery then I won't be there till 1. My arrival time is also depending upon what time I get back from Indy on Friday night. The GF and I are celebrating my birthday, which is THURSDAY!! As for my buddy Bob, I will email him and see what he is up to. I think he will be a 10 o'clocker as well.
Good luck on reserving a shelter, unless you have guards standing there it is open. I am not figuring on camping quarry side but rather up top. With at least three tents I don't see any way that we could camp quarry side.
Might not be a bad idea to leave some of our gear in a shelter for Sunday morning. After Sunday you guys are on your own. I have a free steak dinner waiting for me Monday evening.
BTW, leave me out for the Samore count, I do very little chocolate.
Anybody want to help me clean out my truck so I can pack all my dive gear??