Blue Springs 3/20 am

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I would like to echo what Wendy and OneBrightGator have said. I have been in many caverns that have been touted as "OW Safe" and truly believe they are not. I will not be going back to Ginnie's Ballroom, Paradise, Blue Grotto, and Devil's Den until I am cavern trained and certified. There is simply NOTHING down there worth dying for. Kudos to the state for their hard line stance on lights to keep as many out as possible.
That is my local hole to dive. Be at the gates at 8AM. I'll be looking for a diving buddy. Let's get wet.
BLue Spring is still a great dive without lights. You can practice your bouyancy skills
with all that current, or you can play "leaf in the wind" with the current, or you
can poke around all the corners down to about 60 feet....

i love it!
True. However, I still don't like the park rangers...hehe

A little humility goes a long way.

The state is holding the proverbial cards, and it is not out of the realm of possibility for them not to deal us in for the next hand.

Skatingsailor, most of the "OW safe" caverns are fun and good to dive, but you have to accept that little extra element of risk of not being able to get out as quickly (ie no direct ascent), there is also the silting problem. Whilst i havent yet been to Blue Grotto (its on the list), i understand it gets pretty busy and with all that activity comes silting - not good to be caught in the middle of. Whist there may be no problems on the one or two times you have gone there, it is always best to keep the permenant line in view, or just get cavern certified and run your own to and off the main line. I dont profess to be anything but a newbie at this whole game, but i take this overheads seriously when i am there and am getting more training asap.

Forgot to add this last night (in fact computer crashed), but the phrase:
"Its all good fun until someone loses an eye" - is very much the case in overhead environments.

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