Hmm. Interesting. This is what I find flooring.... I have two sons 17 and 20. The 17 yo dives with me, the 20 yo is going to get cert'd in a month. My youngest is a pretty fair diver. We've been to Key Largo together and done the Duane and the Speigal Grove. He was AOW by a shop that I regard the two instructors to be very capable, safe, and good habits. Not that it matters, but one retired coast guard, one retired LT Command from the navy. In any case, if the article is correct and I read it right, they did a tank, then the father goes back down, by himself, leaving the son, and does a 120' solo dive? Even if he is completely capable, that's just not a smart move if you ask me. Sad for everyone involved.
we don't actually know the details of the dive plan or the dive, only that he went by himself and was found at 120'. If the flow was down and he was negative, he could have drifted to 120' after he died.