Blue Land Crabs

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First the dive shop now the pharmacy. They didn't teach this in OW.
RID spelled backward is........
Ok so it was a LOW blow...
I heard if you feed them chicken, they'll taste like chicken.
First the dive shop now the pharmacy. They didn't teach this in OW.
RID spelled backward is........
Ok so it was a LOW blow...

I LOVE THIS!!!! I helped develop one of the RID products.
BTW, did you know that WPB is where the drug companies go to find head lice cases for research? There, and Salt Lake City. I should know - I had to train my teams of researchers to count lice on kids heads and figure out how old each bug was. Lovely work!

But, you know, we never checked to see if they had their long hoses. And I can't remember any of them wearing Halcyon gear...

It's like the dyslexic agnostic insomiac - stays up nights pondering the existence of Dog... :crafty:
No wonder they're running around, did they flip ya the claw. They're out of season.

"No person shall harvest or attempt to harvest blue land crabs using or with the aid of bleach or any other chemical solution. The simultaneous possession of blue land crabs and any plastic or other container capable of ejecting liquid, by any person engaged in blue land crab harvest is prohibited."

What's that bit about? Shooting bleach at them, then eating them? Yuck!
I guess if you wanted to hide the fact that they were BLUE land crabs...

(The law doesn't say anything about bleached land crabs!)

You should know about ointment for those crabs. Please don't start scratching. The visual is just too much for me to handle.

"Little crab like creatures" ----- Where did this quote come from?????
Okay, this could have gone into the Scuba Chef thread, but what I really have is a local question:

Are the blue Florida land crabs (Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi)) edible? Palatable?

If it's the same species as we have in Belize they're edible, and not bad. One day a herd of them was crossing my yeard...ok, maybe six...and one had climbed up on my satellite dish. My girlfriend at the time said it was raining crabs. So she tried to get it down with a fishing the crab was going to bite it sitting on top of our dish. That lure was on the dish for a year. We did get the crab though. Not bad eating but not the best crab.
I am a expert on the Blue Crab Cusuine! They are great to eat! ZERO Carbs and a better source of protein than beef.

The trick is to catch them live! It takes two people one with a bag and another with a stick and a whistle. Once you catch the crab you have to feed it saffron for about a week, each crab will eat about 1/8 pound each.

They are reported to promote hair growth and be a powerful aphrodisiac.

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