BHB ScubaTroll
I can agree with you. There has been a lot of misunderstanding on this thread.CT, Ok I have gone back and re-read the posts...I think there is a lot of misunderstanding in this thread, on my own part as well. I felt like I understood what she was saying from the get go. They told her to "go" at 9:45 and be "in" by 10:15. You then made the comment that she was contradicting herself. When she said they told her "Originally Posted by mandy987
The dive shop told us that high tide was at 10:15 not 11:00 and to be back in from diving and on shore at 10:30." It seems like from there, because of the confusion, suddenly her credibility was in question.
Where I think the misunderstanding comes into play is that she was told to start her dive at 9:45am and be out by 10:30, and though she used the words "go" and "in" to express that, she clarified later that they told her to be done with the dive and on the shore by 10:30am.
This is the problem with "text" as a wholeI saw where Ana told the OP "I think it is a good idea to reconsider your future in diving." Now I took this as "You are considering never diving again, and I think you should rethink that" but clearly the OP took it as the opposite all together. So the OP fires back offended at Ana who in turn fires back with a bit of irritation and so goes the thread.
As you began the thread understanding and asking questions, you, in my opinion began to be engaging in an interrogation, as you said "Which is it? They told you to be there at 9:45AM and be in the water by 10:30AM, or be in the water at 9:45AM and out by 10:30AM? Your original account seems very plausible... Your new account seems very unlikely...".
I mean she is the one that talked to the LDS, she was at the site, don't you think she deserves a little credibility for atleast knowing what she was told and what she experienced?
I guess I would have liked to have seen the OP given the benefit of the doubt as to what she was told, and what she experienced. Yes, she could have checked out the site more, and been more familiar. Yes, checking more than one reference as to the conditions would be a good suggestion, as were many of the other suggestions, but there was a fair amount of insults and attacks against the OP's credibility.
Oh and the other issue with this type of communications.....the likelihood that many other comments will have been made while I am typing this, and this will be out of date/sync/time etc.
Such is the online world
This is the "Near Misses and Lessons Learned" area. Questions and explanations are how everyone learns from incidents in this area.
My desire in all of this was to discern what the misunderstandings I have read are, and have the OP explain them better so we can all learn.
Someone PM'd me with a topside version of this incident where divers who were waiting for the proper time to enter the water were ready on the north side of the fishing pier with rope to toss to the ladies, but the ladies were stopped by two divers who were carrying short poles (not spearguns... from the PM I received) and standing waist deep in the water between the bridge and fishing pier... in the first lane west from the beach (NOTE: That area is 4-5' deep and many divers can stand in the sand there).
I was trying not to post this so as not to have it appear that the OP was in a panic situation. I would, instead, liked to have had some answers from her that would have helped everyone understand the situation better and learn from it.
It also saddens me that she did not take me up on my offer as guide for a dive there today. It's a beautiful day for the dive!