That's what *I* woulda called it, but I see that the Smithsonian iPhone app calls it a "rose blenny". Humann and DeLoach use "rosy blenny". Both use the scientific name Malacoctenus macropus - assuming that's what this is (and that is what I assume).![]()
Thanks Kev. I'm going with Rosy. Tim cleaned the pic up a bit and based on the photo and the Humann & Deloach description I'm certain that's correct. As far as Rose vs. Rosy, I like Rosy better.
Dive was cloudy today, plus a lot of sediment in the water. Vis still good around 20 feet. Forgot to check the temp.
Are you still in town/diving tomorrow? Can you please post a conditions report for all the weekend divers? With all this rain (at least down here in Broward) I'm sure everyone is wondering about viz.