It's on the West side of the bridge, near boat channel among the soft coral reef just south of the end-wall.
There is a small little shrimp that I cant figure out what it is (last image). In addition, there is a feather duster - Christmas tree worm like critter that I don't recall seeing before (second image).
View attachment 179277View attachment 179282
"soft coral reef just south of the end-wall." Hmmm. . . Sounds like the "sponge garden" *in* the channel which *I*, of course, have never visited.

I've been calling those worms "California Horseshoe Worms", but really have no idea about the accuracy of such a moniker. I love the lavender color circling around the bottom of em.
You must have some good eyes to have noticed that little shrimp-like thingy. Pretty cool. No idea about it.
---------- Post added March 9th, 2014 at 04:13 PM ----------
Wish they would either port that app over to android or make a web version.
Ross sez $50K would get it done for the Android version.

No idea why there's no web version. Would make a *lot* of sense to me - and would *love* to see it. . .