Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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I made it to the bridge today. It seems it was Sea Spider mating season. I spotted 5 on today's dive








The rest are here

Edit by CoolTech: Wow! I didn't realize they would be so big... Sorry
Sadly, a diver I was talking with, while waiting for high tide, told me about a horrible incident he had at the bridge. He saw a VERY drunk man who had a little froggie in a Styrofoam cup that he was showing everyone. This diver asked him to please put it back in the water as there was not enough water in the cup to keep him alive for very long. The drunk became very belligerent and it is not clear if he ever did put it back.

I would have gone ballistic, so I'm glad I was not there to witness it. Unfortunately, private collection of fish, for private aquariums, is still allowed there, much as I HATE it.

If this keeps on, there will soon be no froggies left. They are just too easy to catch.

Actually, you have it backwards. You should be thanking recreational collectors and fisherman. The purchasing of Florida Fishing Licenses and the excise tax levied on all fishing equipment provides funding for the successful conservation efforts on waterways throughout the state of Florida. That includes funding for the FWC. The annual numbers are in the millions of dollars. On the other hand, unless they purchase a fishing license, I am not aware of any mandatory contribution to conservation efforts by recreational divers regardless if they are Florida residents or out-of-state.

When following the regulations, it is perfectly legal to engage in the collection of tropicals at Phil Foster Park. I have read assertions that area around Phil Foster Park and the Blue Heron Bridge is a Marine Sanctuary or a No-take zone. It is absolutely not so. For those who think they would like to interfere with or prevent the lawful taking of fish or attempt to disturb fish, game or nongame animals or attempt to affect their behavior with the intent to prevent their lawful taking by another is punishable by a fine up to $500.00 and up to 60 days in jail (Florida Statute 372.705)

Actually, you have it backwards. You should be thanking recreational collectors and fisherman. The purchasing of Florida Fishing Licenses and the excise tax levied on all fishing equipment provides funding for the successful conservation efforts on waterways throughout the state of Florida. That includes funding for the FWC. The annual numbers are in the millions of dollars. On the other hand, unless they purchase a fishing license, I am not aware of any mandatory contribution to conservation efforts by recreational divers regardless if they are Florida residents or out-of-state.

When following the regulations, it is perfectly legal to engage in the collection of tropicals at Phil Foster Park. I have read assertions that area around Phil Foster Park and the Blue Heron Bridge is a Marine Sanctuary or a No-take zone. It is absolutely not so. For those who think they would like to interfere with or prevent the lawful taking of fish or attempt to disturb fish, game or nongame animals or attempt to affect their behavior with the intent to prevent their lawful taking by another is punishable by a fine up to $500.00 and up to 60 days in jail (Florida Statute 372.705)

While the FWC is in charge of the conservation efforts in Florida, they hardly do a successful job. I will give though that it's a tough job to try to make everybody happy. Unfortunately, those with the deepest pockets seem to have the biggest voice when dealing with any gov't entity especially when it comes to wildlife conservation. We could start a whole new thread on endangered species habitats shrinking, FWC not enforcing their own laws, for starters. Add in the the national environmental organizations that also pander to the big business, including cities, and the critters take a back seat.
Divers are as a whole it seems one of the biggest contributors to conservation efforts at the grass roots level. Beach. pier, waterways cleanups, lionfish derbies (those were divers that pushed for being able to take lionfish on rebreathers!), collecting of garbage while diving, petitioning against various beach renourishment projects, outflow pipes shut down, deepening channels around Phil Foster Park for the mega yachts.. I could go on, but you get the idea.. We divers do this because we care about where we dive and am trying to stop the wanton destruction of what we hold dear.

Me personally, I would love to see BHB become a marine sanctuary. It will not happen any time soon. But I also will not join in public shaming of people who are legally collecting. It sucks to see it. I hate it.​
Hi Trolls.
I’m thinking about paying a visit tomorrow, August 4th. High tide is 12:15 PM, so I figure to splash around 10:30 AM. My personal foibles are the same as I noted in post #8290 of this thread. As usual, I’m more than glad to share lay of the land insight with most anyone who cares to listen, and am always happy to say “hi” and meet new SB acquaintances.

Yesterday the water temp was back up to 85 or 86 degrees F. Viz though remains 15 feet and fuzzy. We went east and found many squid both north and south of the east bridge. I swear I hear music when squid are nearby--WE seem to be entertaining THEM! The sudden flash to light tones appears to be the squid equivalent to OMG! Or maybe LOL if we're doing something really weird!


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Hi Trolls.
I’m thinking about paying a visit tomorrow, August 4th. High tide is 12:15 PM, so I figure to splash around 10:30 AM. My personal foibles are the same as I noted in post #8290 of this thread. As usual, I’m more than glad to share lay of the land insight with most anyone who cares to listen, and am always happy to say “hi” and meet new SB acquaintances.

How did it go?
Most collectors I meet at the bridge (not to profile the apparently drunken man and his styrofoam cup) do not have saltwater fishing licenses and no knowledge or concern about prohibited species or size limits.
I let the young weekend collectors know and have released there illegal victims, I'll take my chances with the law.
Sadly I have seen grown men clearly collecting for commercial retail (50 arrow crabs???) that can skirt the law with the absurd rule of collecting for personal use being permitted.
I do report it to the FWC and have had the park rangers get involved on weekends when I can find them.
It helps to be educated yourself on what fish are illegal and size limits for collection of tropicals.
Whether they have a license is a good start.
Direct phone number for FWC in the park 561-357-4200.
WooHoo ... i have dived BHB with the bestest dive guide there is (scuba_jenny) ... saw lots of great critters frog fish, bat fish, sea horse and lots of things that we do not have down under

Thanks for this dive and YBR and Vista Park Jenny :) :) :)
Glad that one of our down under buddies likes our Florida waters! And I LOVE your forum name- :-)
Munkispank.. there is a "chat" thread whose active members are from all over the world. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, it's in the Surface Interval area.
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