From Ben Victor:
"Yes, I think the knee jerk “long-plume equals plumed” is wrong.. several species can develop very long plumes (why should a plume length matter so much, since other growths don’t).
I am thinking that most of them, perhaps all three of these, are barbfish. Two characters lead me toward that- the brown spots on the chest are classic for them and they often have a yellow or orange wash on the nape- and the two juveniles seem to be trying to do that.
The true plumed may be only a Caribbean grassbed species."
And Ben added later:
"Checked some museum collections- and supposedly both brasiliensis and grandicornis are common in the Intracoastal Waterway- so I guess some of those are grandicornis. Needs checking with DNA."
I had mentioned to him in my inquiry that most all the fish that I had called "plumed" had been "downgraded" to barbfish. Turns out that I ain't no good at checking DNA's.
