Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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photos from today's dive.
At least 20 ragged seahares

polka-dot batfish

New buoys have been installed. I saw at least 3. thought I saw more, but got all discombobulated and twisted around, I might have seen the same one numerous times! LOL

goldspot eel

orange seahorse. My fav. shot of the day. Not the snail on his neck.

shy octopus
In my unofficial position as an official bridge ogre, I'd like to welcome a new troll: jar546. He has passed all tests (ie he can't wait to return and didn't silt up the bottom).
Jim Wilder, MSDT, BV, MAT, AAGE

We had a 109 minute dive with temp at 75.9 and viz 20-30. We didn't see any seahorses but did see 4 different octopus, a sea robin, assorted spotted eels, batfish , a huge southern stingray, a pregnant yellow stingray, a decorator crab...oh almost forgot...a manatee swam past us, stopped, turned and examined us closely, then swam around us twice and continued on in the same direction. What a treat!

Thanks jar and welcome to the trolls!

Long Arm Octopus

Blue Heron Bridge Long Arm Octopus.jpg

Blue Heron Bridge Manatee.jpg

Polka-Dot Batfish
Blue Heron Bridge Poka-Dot Batfish.jpg

Sargassum Pipefish
Blue Heron Bridge Sargassum Pipefish.jpg

A short video of the manatee:
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Great stuff Jim!
I was a little worried watching that manatee turn towards you I was about to see more BHB mating behavior....
Then I remembered you had a dry suit, Trojan Man would have nothing on you :D.
Seriously wish I could have made it up for that dive.
Maybe next Sunday will work. Hope to see you there.
Great stuff Jim!
I was a little worried watching that manatee turn towards you I was about to see more BHB mating behavior....
Then I remembered you had a dry suit, Trojan Man would have nothing on you :D.
Seriously wish I could have made it up for that dive.
Maybe next Sunday will work. Hope to see you there.

It was a spectacular dive and it could be that the sea cow was eyeing Jeff. I'm too hard core looking.
BTW we did become navigationally challenged and accidentally visited the sponge garden...hate it when that happens.
AHHH the fabled sponge gardens, I am reserving that for a weekday dive with my decoy flag.....
The guy in the moored boat has got nothing on you in the crusty department, except he is wearing those headphones almost every time I see him...
Nice!!! thanks for sharing..
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