Grass porgy looks about the right size and the environment is the same. Heck you were even on the same side of the bridge as I!
Went Saturday for diving. Got up at 4:30 am to meet buddis, toss my stuff in the truck and head north. We hit some rain a few times on the way up, and it was still very dark when we arrived. I don't remember what time we entered the water, but it had just gotten lighter out. Dang! 5 ft viz maybe. Buddy 1 opted to abort while buddy 2 and I went in search of horsies. She was finding them. I finally found big Momma, and very close by a very small one. Maybe a juvie?
After the tide turned and we were making our way nonchalantly back, we were a few feet apart. I couldn't see her till I see the flashlight waving frantically. Upon seeing her, she is making all these gyrations that was obviously not ASL! But I got the message! OMG
I am attaching a few photos of that dive.. and what I saw... after the fact...
Poppa Seahorse beginning of dive. If I had noticed his open belly we probably would have stayed there the whole time.
But instead we moved on. Yellow and bown. Low viz, surgy coditions, these horsies are hiding.. and super tough to take a photo. I use a hand held video light (have stobes just need the cables) and well.. yeah.. lots of bad photos. And of course the alagae and sea grasses sway in the way as the horse finally pops its head up..
Big Momma
Tiny little one. 1" max
Dusky. Oh drat. Or is that a banded? The bigger of the two.. nearby. Maybe this is the one that was under the fishing pier that is no longer there?
Just a couple minutes max after the sea horse had the babies (and I missed it!!!) I decided I better shoot
something, and though the top down shot a unique view. Y
One last time Poppa rears up, and juts his belly out to expel any remaining babies.
Rumor has it he is preggo again.. Another buddy apparently witnessed it..