Hi BHB trolls! I hope it is okay for me to post this here: we have started a BHB project on iNaturalist to document the diodiversity of the site. It was suggested that this could help with future protection efforts for the bridge.
If you are on iNaturalist already, feel free to join the project. Any observations from the bridge should show up in the project automatically, but do watch the size of your “certainty circle” because if it is too big, it won’t be included. I made it a pretty large area to try to catch everything I could, but it still can miss some observations.
If you haven’t ever used iNaturalist, it is an amazing tool. You upload photos of your observations and then pick the species you think it is. If you don’t know, then you can go all the way up to “family.” Citizen scientists and real scientists (Terry Gosliner is even on there!) will agree or offer alternatives. It’s been really fun to learn about taxonomy and I’ve had some great conversations with fellow macro hunters!
Anyways, check it out:
The Blue Heron Bridge Project