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The fact that a blond even logs on to a blond joke forum reveals some deeply disturbing Freudean tendencies.

A Vice President approaches three secretaries at a firm, a brunette, a redhead & a blonde. He says: " The management committee has awarded each of you a $3,000 bonus for your good work. Additional, one of you will be promoted to executive secretary, but we have not made up our mind which one yet. We will be watching you till we decide.

The Brunette uses her bonus to purchase shares of company stock. The Redhead takes hers to Nordstrom's & gets a new executive wardrobe. The blonde takes a vacation trip to Maui to lay on the beach.

Which one gets the promotion?
The one with the D cups gets the promotion. (it's a feminist joke)
The fact that a blond even logs on to a blond joke forum reveals some deeply disturbing Freudean tendencies.

deeply disturbed? ....say it ain't so!

being blonde and disturbed is very fun, I find.
Three blondes were awaiting their entrance into the Pearly Gates. Saint Peter says they can get in, as long as they each correctly answer the question, "What is the true meaning of Easter."

The first one answers, "Um, I think that's the holiday that Santa Claus comes and gives toys to everybody."

Saint Peter says, "No, I'm sorry."

He asks the second one the same question. She says, "I think that's the holiday that the Easter bunny comes and gives out candy to all the good little boys and girls, you know, the one with the little bunnies and chicks."

Saint Peter says, "No, I'm sorry."

He asks the third one, and by now is getting discouraged.

The third one answers, "I think Easter is the holiday where Jesus was crucified by the Romans." Saint Peter nods his head, thinking, "Finally, a smart one." She continues her explanation, "and when he died, they wrapped his body in a shrouded cloth, then hid it in a cave, moved a big rock in front of it, and on the third day, he came back to life." Saint Peter, nodding in agreement and smiling, says, "Yes, yes, you may enter the Gates!" The blonde, who by now is on a roll, says, "wait, wait, I'm not finished yet," and continues with her story. "And every Easter, they pull him out of the cave, and if he sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter."

Hmmm, seems I've heard this one before. hehehehe
Which one was that?
Sorry, I should have sent that comment in a PM. I heard that joke while diving this weekend.
A Blonde walks into a bank in New York City and asks to see a loan officer.
She tells the loan officer: "I'm going to Europe for a few weeks and need a little extra cash. I'd like to borrow $10,000."
The loan officer thinks "hooo boy, another Dumb Blonde to deal with." After getting her SSN, the loan officer says "Well, I see you have good credit, but the only way I can do that is to have some collateral; do you have any collateral?"
"How 'bout my new Ferrari?" asks the Blonde...
"That'll do fine," says the loan officer, "where is it?"
"Right out front." says the Blonde.
"OK, just give me the keys and I'll have it put in our garage until you pay off the loan." says he.
She says "Uh, now that you have my car, could you give me a lift to the airport?"
"Sure" says he, and arranges it.
Two weeks later the Blonde walks back into the bank and hands over the $10,000, plus the two weeks interest at 10%, $38.46. The loan officer asks "Young lady, I'm just curious, I've checked on your financial position and you have millions. Why in the world did you go through all the trouble of borrowing $10,000 for two weeks?"
"Well, let's see," she says... "for $38.46, you provided a chauffeured ride to the airport and back to my Ferrari, which you kept indoors under lock and key in your secure parking garage for two weeks..."
he he

I do a version of that, at the BMW dealer.

gotta fly? time for a "car check-up"...and a shuttle ride, free secure parking.

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