Blasted airlines, always making it tougher!

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And is entertaining a group of 10 and that's our first evening together. Sorry, but my clients take priority even over @DandyDon :p

Hard to get...yes. DD already tried, and my husband was very patient with him :cool:. Plus, said husband understands that if you want my company, you invite me...don't tell me when to show up :banghead:
Okee dokee. Thanks for explaining. I would certainly be inviting, not telling, whenever we plan a SB supper gathering. I'll ask y'all preferences after the first of the year. It would certainly be nice to meet you two, and I'd love to have you both at any SB supper we organize.

Judy once told me that 7pm was too early, that her crowd liked later dinners, but I'm probably too old for such. Maybe it's cultural? She & her hubby are yankees. My kids get edgy if we can't eat by 6pm.

I'm trying to imagine why, going to a warm place to dive, you need two checked bags plus a roll-on and a backpack. I take all of my dive gear, minus weights and tanks, and everything else for the trip in one checked bag that weighs 40lbs. A carry-on holds gear not easily replaced on a trip: reg set, prescription mask, computer, camera, etc.
Maybe I'm missing some special needs stuff you carry, but if you are concerned about economy costs, leave a checked bag at home.
Yeah, do you carry a 19 cf pony & second reg? I have for all trips for over 15 years since I learned how dependable most instant buddies are. :eek: My home buddy was no better, but then I used it to save him a couple of times. He quit diving on me, then died before I could try to get him back in, so I travel alone almost anywhere I go these days - and try to make myself self reliant, diving, camping, desert hiking, whatever. I'm at the biggest balloon festival in the world this week, including a national park after the morning ascent tomorrow. Do you carry a PLB & dive canister? I think those are essential for any diver, the PLB for any traveler, but that's me. We read the news stories about others, found or not. :shakehead:

I do not believe in "travel" or "tropical" BCs. I want mine with my 40# lift. It'd be cheaper to rent gear than take mine, but I want mine. I used to include a 12 cup coffee maker in my luggage to Cozumel, and do on other trips - like this week, but I get one at Mega. I have to go to get coffee liqueur anyway.

To each his own. Traveling light is not in my vocabulary, either. :D
We each have our priorities. You have a couple I would not bother with, and mine are important to me. Take whatever you really want up to the two - 50# bags each. I do wish the Blasted Airlines would stop hiking bag fees, but their allegiance is to their stockholders - and they are happy. :banghead:
Okee dokee. Thanks for explaining. I would certainly be inviting, not telling, whenever we plan a SB supper gathering. I'll ask y'all preferences after the first of the year. It would certainly be nice to meet you two, and I'd love to have you both at any SB supper we organize.

Judy once told me that 7pm was too early, that her crowd liked later dinners, but I'm probably too old for such. Maybe it's cultural? She & her hubby are yankees. My kids get edgy if we can't eat by 6pm.

MUCH better @DandyDon:flowers: We would love to be in attendance. Please realize that it's a work week for me, and I will have commitments. We (our group of 10) won't arrive until late (after 8) on the 7th, and most of us are arriving separately. We will not be able to see each other until the next morning on the dive boat. So the 8th will be our "arrival dinner" get-together, and I can't miss that.

A SB Dinner on the 9th or 10th or 11th would work just fine for us. If any of my group members are interested, I will invite them along. We are usually starved after diving. Since we'll also be diving the next morning early, we don't like to do dinner too late. 6:00 would be ideal, but could make 7:06 (???) work if that's the plan.

We vote for Los Otates as of my favorites! I might even slide over to Ohana's afterwards in search of some of that famous "Peanut-Butter Tequila" :)
Okee dokee. Thanks for explaining. I would certainly be inviting, not telling, whenever we plan a SB supper gathering. I'll ask y'all preferences after the first of the year. It would certainly be nice to meet you two, and I'd love to have you both at any SB supper we organize.

Judy once told me that 7pm was too early, that her crowd liked later dinners, but I'm probably too old for such. Maybe it's cultural? She & her hubby are yankees. My kids get edgy if we can't eat by 6pm.

Yeah, do you carry a 19 cf pony & second reg? I have for all trips for over 15 years since I learned how dependable most instant buddies are. :eek: My home buddy was no better, but then I used it to save him a couple of times. He quit diving on me, then died before I could try to get him back in, so I travel alone almost anywhere I go these days - and try to make myself self reliant, diving, camping, desert hiking, whatever. I'm at the biggest balloon festival in the world this week, including a national park after the morning ascent tomorrow. Do you carry a PLB & dive canister? I think those are essential for any diver, the PLB for any traveler, but that's me. We read the news stories about others, found or not. :shakehead:

I do not believe in "travel" or "tropical" BCs. I want mine with my 40# lift. It'd be cheaper to rent gear than take mine, but I want mine. I used to include a 12 cup coffee maker in my luggage to Cozumel, and do on other trips - like this week, but I get one at Mega. I have to go to get coffee liqueur anyway.

We each have our priorities. You have a couple I would not bother with, and mine are important to me. Take whatever you really want up to the two - 50# bags each. I do wish the Blasted Airlines would stop hiking bag fees, but their allegiance is to their stockholders - and they are happy. :banghead:

Technically, there's nothing stopping us from being stockholders as well, just sayin'.
Heck, I'm not traveling light, at least compared to a couple of people I know who carry their gear and everything else in carry-on:)
I do sometimes wonder how some people get away with carrying what really amounts to two carry-ons that in total would hold more than what is in my checked bag:(
Light or not light, everything is relative. As to the huge carry-on's some folks travel with, blame the airlines' nickel and diming baggage policies for that. I flew with Southwest a couple of weeks ago; there are some things I don't like about them but it was great only carrying on what I needed during the flight. The only thing I put in the overhead bins was my hat.
I kinda feel like I’ve been disciplined, but okee dokee. Los Otates on the 9th or 10th or 11th is fine with me. 6pm is fine with me, too. If that’s too early for anyone, they can mosey in whenever they wish.
I kinda feel like I’ve been disciplined

Oh, DD...don't be such a drama queen o_O If doing the SB dinner without me is discipline, then so be it. Otherwise, I have left options on the table and cast my vote. We will be happy to work out whatever we can within those parameters and REALLY look forward to hanging with you and the rest of the SB gang.

Maybe that knee of yours will allow you to stroll over to Ohana's after dinner and sample the Peanut Butter Tequila :)
Might be on the island that week. I usually go for Carnival but the dates just don't work this year. 6pm is more Happy Hour than dinnertime. I will have to stop in for a beer.
Great to hear you might be in town. Compromise is always in order. We can make it 7...but I'll still start Happy Hour at 6 :wink:
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