I actually ran an experiment comparing Scuba Pro Twin Jets, solid Jets, and AquaLung Blades. I frog kicked and flutter kicked. I went fast and slow. One caveat, I did this snorkeling.
Flutter kicking or frog kicking, the three were very similar in the number of kicks and amount of time it took me to swim down and back the 90 foot course. Yes, I frog kicked a split fin and it did fine. So my selection would be based on other things.
For example, my body composition is such that I will sink with about half a breath of air. So the heavy, negatively buoyant Jet fins would not be my choice for snorkeling since I'd have to fin to stay afloat. The split would be great for tired legs, but I don't think I have the precision with it I have with a solid fin, of course that probably isn't needed snorkeling. And the big AquaLung Blades are light (handy for travel) and allow me to make position changes with very small movements.
Of the three, I'm least happy with the Splits because of the price and because they feel less precise. If I can configure an experiment and round up the necessary dive buddies, I'll work up a scuba experiment and include some helicopter turns and reversing for good fun.