My daughter and I went diving on Saturday on a 45' reef a few miles north of Fort Lauderdale "Hillsboro Domes." Almost as soon as we entered the water and made our decent, a large 24" long blue parrot fish began to follow us. I did not think much of it, as I always considered these peaceful coral eating fish. We covered about 250' of ground in 25 minutes. The fish constantly following us, occasionally swimming at us with its mouth open. I saw three lobster in a hole and with my tickle stick and net went to get some lunch. A few minutes latter, my daughter got my attention and showed me her forehead where the parrot fish had bitten her twice and the fish was still threatening us. I lightly poked it with my tickle stick. This had little effect. We immediately began to surface. We attempted a 3 minute safety stop at 15' but the fish continued to take runs at us with its mouth open. We surfaced about 250' from the boat. We made the surface swim being followed by the fish. Upon entering the boat the fish hovered around 20' occasionally charging us on the ladder.
Attached is a picture of the two bite marks taken several hours after the attack. The swelling had receded somewhat. Her head was the only exposed skin as we were wearing full wetsuits and gloves, something we usually do not do, but it was especially cold that day.
I have never heard of anything like this. We did nothing to harass this fish and had no food with us.
I have heard of morays, barracudas, and trigger fish occasionally bitting, but never a parrot fish chasing us over 250' of bottem and the entire water column.