BING ad jumps you to bottom of new page

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The info has been passed along to the Ad Reps. I'll follow up and see if there is info.
We thought we iced it, but Bing is pretty aggressive. We'll have it down again shortly.

In My Most Humble Opinion: this makes Microsoft little better than a spammer. I had little desire to use Bing and this little stunt makes sure that I will avoid it at all costs. How obtrusive!
Gee Pete - don't advertisers help pay the bills? I agree the Bing ad was/is over the top, but trash talking an advertiser surprises me!
The Bing ad comes from Google Ads. We have the option to reject any ad they send us, and will be doing so here. Howie is on a boat, and will be dealing with this when he gets to a PC.

Let's face it: it's a fine line we tread. If ads become too obtrusive we lose users. If an advertiser is not a good fit for us (pissing everyone off), then their advertising is counter productive for everyone. In 2003(4?) we had a rather lively discussion about a rather large shark that had been killed in a tournament. The Google ads for shark fins simply did not have a place in that discussion or elsewhere on our board. We banned them from the site.

Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a greedy person... in fact many of them wished I was a bit more profit driven than I am. The domain ScubaBoard has been entrusted to me largely due to this philosophy of mine and I refuse to let money be the rudder that steers this ship.
Thanks Pete -

I've seen enough to know you are not a greedy, profits-only kind of guy. But I know you are in business, and this is not a charity. I made the (incorrect) assumption that all advertising was of direct benefit to SB. The Google Ads (which I presume pay both Google and the site they appear on) I guess are a bit different. Glad you can reject certain ones, and have demonstrated that you will.
I have updated the code to block Hopefully that is actually the source of the ad. I don't see that ad; so I don't know what it's doing, of if the block worked. Apparently, they don't want to advertise in the Dominican Republic?
Here it is: Bing Click to see what we see. Here is the code (using noparse tags) for you to see it.,tr&trkimg=;wi.1;hi.1/01/&clicktag=|82|2868849|0|225|AdId=5619739;BnId=3;itime=154720462;ku=3326205;kwlp1=vmus38320.017+vmus38320.014+vmus38320.019+vmus38320.021+vmus38320.018+vmuk38188.004+vmus37846.043+vmus36948.013;kwlp3=bing_general;nodecode=yes;link=;wi.1;hi.1/01/&ipid=&scid=&md5=&time=154720462&rdclick=|82|2868849|0|225|AdId=5619739;BnId=3;itime=154720462;ku=3326205;kwlp1=vmus38320.017+vmus38320.014+vmus38320.019+vmus38320.021+vmus38320.018+vmuk38188.004+vmus37846.043+vmus36948.013;kwlp3=bing_general;nodecode=yes;link=

I'm still seeing it.
It is still happening for me Howard.
Where does this ad actually appear (meaning on what page of ScubaBoard)? Apparently they do not want to adviertise in Canada - prolly cuz of all our snowbound fortresses and vitriol.

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