Billabong wetsuit? (and other gear for a newbie/petite girl)

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(I'm just playing devil's advocate here) I still don't have a computer and it will be the last piece of equipment I buy. Why? Because you don't need one. Do I want one? Yeah. Need one? Absolutely NOT! Dive tables have kept myself and many others alive and DCS free without the need of a computer. I guess this also depends on your course though, as it seems some shops now offer the option to disregard tables and use a computer only (a crying shame, in my opinion).

Very sound advice with the safety gear though! Especially considering how cheap and small these items are!

Same here.. I have argued for yrs on sailing boards about relying on chartplotters rather than having paper charts and knowing how to use them, and plot a course if the electronics fail. It is the same with a dive computer.. Of course I am going to buy one. however in trying a mares Puck and a suunto zoop on my wrist the guy at the lds could not stop laughing. I was like a 2 yr old putting on Dad's watch.. lmao.
It is not high on my priorities at the moment. Bringing my skills back up to par is paramount at this point.

I am of the firm opinion, that it doesn't matter what sport or job one is learning one needs to have a backup plan and knowledge if the electronics fail. So what happens IF the computer croaks.. and you never learned to use a dive table? just sayin' :blinking:
I'm 5'2", so I totally know where you're coming from. I'd stick with the Henderson/Neosport wetsuits. They fit me just fine. I think the other brands you mentioned I think are mostly for surfing, so I don't know how they would do for diving. There may be design differences.

And yes, you can just rent the pieces you need, if you have a wetsuit, but need a BCD, that's fine.
I bought all my own gear just before I did my OW dives, except for the wetsuit. The gear we used in the pool during my class didn't fit me properly and I just couldn't get comfortable in it. I bought the Zeagle Zena, and it is wonderful! Fits like it was made for me. I rented a wetsuit in Belize, and the only ones they had were mens. Not so comfortable in the chest area, I felt like I was squished. I bought a womens wetsuit as soon as I came home. What a difference, I can breathe in it! Lol.
If I'm comfortable in what I'm wearing, my dives seem to go a lot smoother. Definitely take the time to try on what you buy, or at least make sure you can return it!

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