Tractor Tom
Web Monkey:That's a thought.
Maybe I should leave the gloves connected and just pull my hands through!
I'll let you guys know how it works!
The Viking system that John (Mitten Diver) is using, he got from me at Gilboa a couple weeks ago. When I first got mine, they twisted hard, especially coming off, after a dive. Now that I have a dozen or so dives on them and have lubed them a bit with silicone grease, they pop on and off pretty easilly and I'm really happy with them. The idea of just popping your hands through the seals with gloves on may not work too well if your cuff seals are tight enough to work well. I use pieces of silicone tubing to break the wrist seal and let air travel into the gloves. This works pretty well, and the tubing is cheap at the LDS. You'll see us swimming along, and every once in a while, lifting our hands up to let warm air work into the gloves and warm your hands.
The Viking system comes with rings for cuffs and gloves, various sized inner rings for different thickness gloves and sleeves, gloves, and a set of Viking replacement wrist seals. I have one more set of them available (from Bob3) and if you are east of the Mississippi, I can get them to you quicker than Bob can.
Drop a line if you are interested and we'll work something out!