Best spots at Point Lobos reachable from shore.

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Jak Crow

Reaction score
Livermore, CA, USA
# of dives
500 - 999
So I've now done Lobos a few times, reaching Hole in the Wall, Granite Wall, and just following the left side of whalers cove. I'd like to know what are some of the best spots to check out. I'm particularly interested in any places with hydrocoral, friendly seals, or maybe some unique features not found at the other locations.
It's "Granite Pt. Wall", not "Granite Wall".

I like the transition between the end of Middle Reef and the open water, and going muck diving in the open water off Middle Reef (find purple gravel, then go looking for critters trying to look like purple gravel). I don't thing there's much hydrocoral in Whalers (LOTS at Thumbs Up, but that's not really swimmable).
What about Sea Mount? Any spots with curious seal activity more than others?
Is the cone shell wall we used to call "Childrens' Garden" still there in Bluefish Cove? That was always a neat dive.
To Chuck; It's "I don't THINK there's much hydrocoral in Whalers " not "I don't THING there's much hydrocoral in Whalers " :wink: Just playing. Could not help myself.
Ah. So you must be getting Point Lobos State Reserve, Ca - gps coordinates, map, weather - gps basecamp which as far as I can tell, only has the gps coordinates of Point Lobos in general and not those of the various dive sites I'm looking for. The site appears to be a bit more useful than simply saying "google is your friend" with the mistaken assumption that the person asking for the gps points of various dive sites at Point Lobos has not made a single attempt to look up this information for himself, though the garlic page appears to be geared toward boat accessible dive sites at Lobos, but I thank you anyway. If anyone has something geared toward sites that are more suitable to be reached from shore, I would appreciate it.

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