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One of the best things about a good on-line community is the diversity of the posters. I have been on Scubaboard for a little under a year but have enjoyed and been informed by many, many posts. Sometimes the best posts are from occasional posters who have specialised knowlege and othertimes from the more regular sources. My thanks to all of you.
The Thanks button can be an indicator ... but there are a handful of folks in here who have racked up thousands of those by Thanking each other for every post. Heck, sometimes they'll get multiple Thanks for posting aI think you'll get a clearer answer by finding out which SB poster has the highest percentage of "thanks" per posting. Yes, I do know enough Maths to be aware that new posters could get "thanks" for their first question and so get 100%, but it's not beyond the wit of man (or woman) to come up with some formula that measures posters' "usefulness", as recorded by the "Thanks" button, as well as "popularity".
Well I frequent the thread that playfully adopted that practice but the participants are very few in number. I believe the zany bunch makes for a fair amount of laughter for some IMO. It's my observation that the more helpfull, postive and knowlegeble posters receive thanks in the ratio of 10% to 15% to total posts. I also believe that thanks ratios in general are a fairly accurate indicator of the attributes mentioned above and a shread of insight for new members. Any moderator is welcome to knock my thanks total back down within in that range.The Thanks button can be an indicator ... but there are a handful of folks in here who have racked up thousands of those by Thanking each other for every post. Heck, sometimes they'll get multiple Thanks for posting aor typiing "LOL". It's fun and entertaining, but hardly tells you anything except that they're a member of the "club" ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)
You may very well be right, Bob, and I expect those who shower each other in this way with votes of thanks would be the first to take issue with ballot-rigging in general elections in developing countries. As a retired teacher, I've always been suspicious of national "Teacher of the Year" awards to individuals when teaching is as much about teamwork nowadays as it is about an individual's ability to educate others. The same could equally be said about SB posters, because their effectiveness or otherwise depends so much on the reception of their messages by other contributors in a given thread. As you say, a mutual appreciation society is hardly a role model for excellence.