I will offer you an alternative that has worked well for us. It is DAP 610. The product is manufactured by Weldwood and labeled The original contact cement. It is 4 bucks for 16 oz at the hardware store.
Feel free to look at the chemical composite of both. If you find the difference let me know.
I have repaired over 30 suits in the last five years using it, three are my own. Not one issue yet.
The last time I bought PB300 we were charges 28 bucks for a small 8 oz can. The DAP product is 1/4 the cost for twice as much.
I am going to give this contact cement a try this weekend to replace my wrist seals with. Just wondering if anyone else has tried it.
I have used PB-300 in the past but don't want to wait for the shipping and have to pay the extra cost; if this other stuff works.