Diving4Ever and HillJoe88 brought up the subject relative to the Galapagos that the OP's profile gives a total dive count under 50, and what's sometimes reported about the Galapagos might not be a good match for that. I spoke with one of my instructors, who's done a Galapagos trip, and she posted a trip report -
Galapagos Diving & Humboldt Explorer Trip Report Aug. 30- Sept. 8, 2010.
Cold, some significant wave action topside, current, the need for more exposure protection & thus lead than many people are used to, something to think about. I hope to someday try a live-aboard out to the Channel Islands off California (e.g.: one of the Truth Aquatics boats), which I hope would be a kinder introduction to cold water oceanic diving.
I'm told Cocos Island offers big animal action with
warm water, but it's a long ways out, and aren't the conditions also somewhat rough?
My concern about Komodo would be current; I'm big, chubby & I have more cross-sectional area for water to push than my lean, athletic buddy. That said, walking an island viewing wild Komodo dragons in their native habitat would be cool!
People mature as divers at different rates. Some people with 50 dives could dive rings around me, so I mean no offense. I suggest we be mindful of who this trip might be best for.