When you think about it, it's hard to give an across the board comprehensive account from 1st hand experience, enough to declare who is currently 'the best.' You could say the best I've done, the best I've heard of, the best me & my buddies came up with comparing notes...
There are a few folks who have what, to me, would be an extensive personal live-aboard experience. Hintermann has had 19 (I doubt I'll match it by the time I'm dead!). But if I were really critical, I'd ask how many were really recent? How many have seen boat modifications, crew turn over, changes in the competition, etc
? Are all still up & running with the same management? Yet experience like his, TS&M's & some other folks is probably about as good as we can get.
I've never been to any of the sites DiverSteve listed, but I recognize several as highly praised. The only one I don't recognize is Pulau Weh.
I think his list is a good destination list to explore. Anyone wanting 1st hand accounts from those who've been should have no trouble finding them. I read such threads for my 'maybe someday' bucket list aspirations, in case my place in life (working dude with a wife & toddler) changes enough to get out farther afield for longer someday.
I still want to know from the original poster what he wants to see. Mainly lush, beautiful coral reefs? Big animals? If so, whale sharks, other big sharks, dolphin, sea lions, schools of hammerheads, what?
Does this have to be all one trip? Where are you flying out of? If you want a single trip marathon flight to deplete a huge accumulation of miles, and you fancy spending 2 days+ flying there & about the same back, that's one thing. But if you don't 'want' long plane rides, & are just saying flight costs are no problem, that's different. Do these miles expire soon?
Some places, like Komodo, have a reputation for current. Have you dove in current much? I hear the Galapagos is rather cold water diving; do you want warm?
What's your comfort level going to foreign places? Have you done a live-aboard before? If the travel time is long there & back, would you want to do a live-aboard longer than 7 days? Or maybe a live-aboard following by a land resort? Just how much time can you invest in this?