I am also researching land based operations but really like the idea of being out on a boat 24/7 since I love boats and boating. As for CocoView, I'd go there in a second but won't go to Roatan until everything is settled. I know, I know what most people are going to say but to me it's just no worth it going to an unstable country (yes, I know the problems are just on the mainland) when I can get very similiar diving without all the worries that come with a trip to Honduras.
I think you would be surprised at how little the "unrest" is affecting Roatan as a whole, other than tourists are staying away, which in turn is hurting the residents financially. Same thing happened last year in Fiji... political issues, tourists boycotted the country, and many resorts sat empty and went bankrupt. Sad.
CCV on the other hand, is booked up months in advance and rarely even has 1 empty room each week. The unrest isn't affecting that resort, but many others on the island are hurting due to this "boycott".
As long as you fly directly into Roatan from US, you will not even know there is a problem elsewhere. Or as RoatanMan says - maybe just 1 more policeman sleeping in the airport.