Not true - at least the week I was there. The Nitrox course was $150. Nitrox itself was a flat $100 for the students for the week - the same as it was for those of us already certified.
My bad - My info was a misread on my part from the website - I had it wrong and thought it was $80 per tank (ouch), but it looks like $80 supplemented to the course cost for the rest of the week..., So the students get a $20 discount actually.
"Nitrox Certification Course: $150
This includes all necessary equipment (tanks, use of oxygen analyzer, use of course materials, instructor, and check out dives). Student may continue to dive Nitrox, using the Student Fill rate, the entire week once they have completed the course. Certification will be from a national certification agency.
Nitrox Student Fills: $80
This includes all nitrox tank fills at 32% beyond the certification level and only available to those who take the course on board. "
We must have passed each other at the airport. Too bad about the weather on your week. Glad you had a good time.