Hi to all,
Just a quick update.
I just saw the second DAN recommended doctor. X rays showed no residual lung irritation (from the O2), and he said the "tinglies" and fatigue are normal, given the degree of the hit I took, and could persist for months.
He also scheduled an MRI on my left knee-to see if the discomfort there is DCS related, or from an awkward landing when I jumped off the boat, or just from arthritis (that is ,being old) :11:
He also stressed to me and the importance of getting treatment asap, and to check with a"dive Dr." should you have the slightest unusual symptoms. He said that while I was fortunate to have gotten to the chamber when I did (6 hours after the onset of symptoms), that I would have been better off to get there sooner, and that if I waited significantly longer, the paralysis might have been longer lasting, maybe even permanent.
So please: if you feel weird after a dive-don't wait-get it checked out- learn forom my mistake!!
take care,
Just a quick update.
I just saw the second DAN recommended doctor. X rays showed no residual lung irritation (from the O2), and he said the "tinglies" and fatigue are normal, given the degree of the hit I took, and could persist for months.
He also scheduled an MRI on my left knee-to see if the discomfort there is DCS related, or from an awkward landing when I jumped off the boat, or just from arthritis (that is ,being old) :11:
He also stressed to me and the importance of getting treatment asap, and to check with a"dive Dr." should you have the slightest unusual symptoms. He said that while I was fortunate to have gotten to the chamber when I did (6 hours after the onset of symptoms), that I would have been better off to get there sooner, and that if I waited significantly longer, the paralysis might have been longer lasting, maybe even permanent.
So please: if you feel weird after a dive-don't wait-get it checked out- learn forom my mistake!!
take care,