Wow, this thread is all over the place!!
Rick, I think this is getting way too complicated. For the purposes of your class, just focus on getting comfortable with doubles, drysuit, and one bottle. Inflate your ds w/ back gas. You are going to want to be cutting tables and running a BT so you can get used to the process, build a base of knowledge, and rack up some experience.
You asked a question about clips before. This all depends on what type of environment you will be diving in. You will need clips on your b/u lights, your primary reg, your spg, you light head, and your stage bottle. Personally, I dive a variety of environments from cold lakes, to cool seas, to warm caves. I use a small clip on my reg, medium clips on my b/u lights, light head, and spg, and large clips on my bottles. I also use medium clips on everything in my pockets (spools, pig tail, wetnotes, whistle/mirror, etc.). Bottles are larger, you are clipping them blind to the hip and the big clips are just easier to manipulate, especially w/ dry gloves. If I am doing longer dives in cold water, I sometimes put some larger clips on my spg and reg as well so I can work them with cold fingers. For the back-up lights, in addition to the clips I have two strips of inner tube on the webbing. I tuck the head of the b/u light under the bottom strip and that secures it against the harness. If I deploy the light and put it back, the second strip is there in case the first one slides down the harness or breaks when I pull it out. There are many other ways to do this but most people use inner tube or bungee.
As for the other gear, I think it is wise to be forward looking so you aren't constantly re-buying stuff. Computers for instance. Personally, I think one of the best computers on the market is the Nitek Duo (and any one of it's clones). It is a two gas computer, so you can set it up for back gas and 1 deco gas. It will do everything you will ever need it to do for nitrox technical dive at moderate depths. This is still my primary computer when I am doing nitrox technical dives and for cave diving. It also serves very well as a BT should you choose to get a trimix computer in the future. Even with a computer, I still cut the tables and run a BT as my primary control, so the computer will always be a back-up for me.
You should give "Tech Diver Larry" a call and see how he is rigging his gear