You know, I've seen some considerable 'flaming', or at least the closest I've seen regarding going into decompression dives before 'properly trained'. It struck a chord with me in a strange light as a newby diver and recently experiencing my first trip to Cozumel.
Before I go into the Cozumel experience, I need to give a quick peice of backbround. I'm a former AF aviator, graduate of Navy pilot training, and VERY attached to the concept of detailed training progression. Contrary to what most people saw in Top Gun, the military aviation community (for the most part) is VERY rigorous and training-disciplined.
So, not knowing any other method, I was EXCEPTIONALLY careful with scuba diving. After basic OW, I read every book I could get my hands on regarding advanced diving. I basically memorized my computer owner's book, and so on...
In a nutshell, our dives in Cozumel were about 45 minutes at 40-60 feet, with about an hour SI. During our first dive, my computer went dangerously close to decompression mode. On the Atmos ai, I was one detent away from the red zone - decompression. The second dive brought me close to the same thing. being the inquizitive person I am, I asked my partner and the DM what the deal was and for 'FYI' stated that I might have to terminate a dive early if my computer got too close for my comfort.
The response from my dive partner, and the DM, was basically a stupid look, along with comments like 'your dive computer is too conservative' or 'don't worry about it, your being paranoid' yadda, yadda.
In short, I was told I was being a wet blanket and a wimp for not 'pushing the limit' I was disgusted. Looking back at the PADI tables and following recreational rules by the letter, we busted the tables on every single two-tank dive. Again, I mention this to my partner and get a third degree during lunch...
My point here is that there is a MAJOR hypocracy going on and in my opinion after what I have seen, you guys pointing fingers are just as guilty as the rest. If the standards are wrong, then correct them. Otherwise, shut up and follow the rules. As an aviator, you didn't dare call someone a wimp for pushing the envelope because people get killed (remember the B-52 incident?).
Regardless, I intend to ALWAYS stay within bounds, even if is pisses someone off because their dive ran shorter than they wanted. Sorry, but until I see you guys following the rules out on the boat, the flames on thgis board are hard to believe....