Just pasting my FB post here so I don’t have to type everything again.
Woo hoo! Just placed order (deposit a few days ago got me a spot in line) for my rebreather. Since everyone wants to know specifics: Kiss Spirit (mCCR). Steel frame. Insulated canisters. No color besides the basic black. $300 for colored ones. I’m already colorful enough in my pretty purple drysuit. Adding more purple would make me look like a giant underwater grape!

4 pin Petrel (Kiss has some in stock and has put one aside for me. Shearwaters in extremely short supply due to lack of displays). Extra 4 pin connector. I’ll add a Fathom blinky HUD, and maybe eventually a Nerd. 2 O2 cylinders. There’s a nice AL14 that fits well within Spirit frame. I’ll have to drive an hour for fills. Spares kit. The shop has to get back with me on the cost for the extra 4 pin connector, but I have a good idea of what the damage will be.

Shipping date unknown at this time. Woot!