Beaver Lake In October

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Scuba Instructor
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I will be at Beaver lake near lost bridge marina the second week of october. If anyone has dive-buddy or dive site info let me know. I dove there two years ago but didnt have all my tech stuff with me(I will this time). I hear there is a cave or tunnel there somewhere. I am a cave certifired NAUI instructor. Thanks for any help
I will be at Beaver lake near lost bridge marina the second week of october. If anyone has dive-buddy or dive site info let me know. I dove there two years ago but didnt have all my tech stuff with me(I will this time). I hear there is a cave or tunnel there somewhere. I am a cave certifired NAUI instructor. Thanks for any help
I live in bentonville and beaver lake has been my only diving location since i began diving. I know the general area of the caves , but can contact a friend of mine for more specific information. If your needing a buddy , Id happily volunteer , ive just recently turned my eyes from the recreational mass bombardment towards going a bit more technical. i dont have doubles or a bp+w yet , and i made a promise to my o/w instructers i wouldnt do overhead without the training , or a qualified instructer , but it sounds to me like your a qualified instructer :) . PM me if your interested in details on sites at beaver.

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