Bonaire has a population of under 15000. Roatan has a population of 65000. Roatan has far more visitors than Bonaire. Roatan appears to have crime problems and no one denied that. They publish the stats so we know what we are dealing with. Show me the same stats for Bonaire. Oh, that's right we don't have any. How many murders on Bonaire. Oh that's right, we don't know that either. Look, I think there is probably more crime on Roatan than Bonaire but I don't know that. I also know that the violent crime on Roatan is always about property rights or people going places they don't belong.
Yeah, I've been to Roatan a couple of times, the third will be next week, and I would not call it a safe place in general - Coxen Hole should be avoided in daylight IMO, but it is a different type of destination. Comparisons are not easy...
Again I'll ask. Show me one post on any diver forum that shows a violent crime against a diver on Roatan. While your at it, show me all the reports of thefts from the resorts on Roatan. While your at it, show me all the reports of theft from vehicles on Roatan. While you are at it, show me all the breakins at resorts on Roatan on sleeping divers.
That is the safer part. It may well not be a place that I'd like to roam and explore, but I do the
Jamaica Shuffle: off the plane, to the parking lot, on the resort bus, to the resort - safe! I'll leave my laptop and cell phone which I use as an alarm clock out when I leave the room, rather than having to lock them in a safe even when sleeping.
The only CALA destinations I would call safe really are Cozumel and some nearby locations - Cancun maybe, altho I am not sure as I avoid that trap other than when I see my dentist. Coz did have a quadruple murder last year but that was a very rare exception when a hit man apparently tracked drug cartel members from the bad areas in Mexico. The main difference on Coz and the coastal resort areas is that the Mexican government will do whatever it takes to make sure visitors feel safe. A lady recently posted on the Coz forum about the safety of a female traveling alone there and while I offered some cautions, they were mostly to make her feel better - and others there thot I went too far as the problems don't happen to tourists there.
Seeing armed soldiers at airports in mainland Europe was new to me in the late 80s and more recently at the Roatan airport and Cancun hotels, but they do certainly discourage open and blatant crimes.
If Roatan is so safe, why all the armed guards at "safe" places like Cocoview? Surely they couldn't be worried about the locals, since no local would dare commit a crime of any sort against a tourist there. Are the armed guards only there to prevent divers from committing crimes against other divers, or are all the guns just for show?
I think they are there, like the armed soldiers, to make sure that tourists are protected and feel so - unlike Bonaire which seems to do very, very little more than prevent local news sources from publishing about the crimes.
A ScubaBoard Staff Message...
I started a thread with the crime prevention tips from the Bonaire threads in one place
Very good summary.