Yes I figured by 8am, but I for one plan to try to arrive early. The good thing is parking is free, the bad is its a small circular neighborhood with very limited parking and is very popular. If you cannot find a spot in the neighborhood where I marked as the "Meeting spot" then you either have to park in the upper area that I marked or just outside that neighborhood toward Shaws. And Shaws gathers its own crowd as its a popular training ground for OW classes. Heck i might try to be there by 6:30 just so I don't have to park far away 
For these reasons I suggest arriving early but I posted a "By 8am" time for people who have a long drive. Even if everyone has to park spread out I'm sure some of us can help out with staging some gear in our vehicles that are parked closer to the stairs.
As a side note:
Remember this is someone's neighborhood. Common courtesy as far as being condiderate of not blocking people's driveways, making lotsa noise, blowing out valves loudly goes a long way. All the residents are usually quite friendly and I go out of my way to say hi to them and chit-chat when I see them. Just remember, we as divers are always at risk of having access restricted if we annoy the citizens and I have heard Laguna tends to take residents complaints seriously.
Not meaning that anyone here will do any of these things but just pointing out the considerations, as I like to always be courteous when you basically consider we're invading their neighborhoods next to the beach that they pay top dollar to live in
Now if the conditions hold out and the weekend will just hurry up!

For these reasons I suggest arriving early but I posted a "By 8am" time for people who have a long drive. Even if everyone has to park spread out I'm sure some of us can help out with staging some gear in our vehicles that are parked closer to the stairs.
As a side note:
Remember this is someone's neighborhood. Common courtesy as far as being condiderate of not blocking people's driveways, making lotsa noise, blowing out valves loudly goes a long way. All the residents are usually quite friendly and I go out of my way to say hi to them and chit-chat when I see them. Just remember, we as divers are always at risk of having access restricted if we annoy the citizens and I have heard Laguna tends to take residents complaints seriously.
Not meaning that anyone here will do any of these things but just pointing out the considerations, as I like to always be courteous when you basically consider we're invading their neighborhoods next to the beach that they pay top dollar to live in

Now if the conditions hold out and the weekend will just hurry up!