Bad advice to suck down a BCD.Just bad.
There's a few "if I don't sell, dive or teach it, then it must be bad" instructors. They don't give you a reason other than "trust me", but they are quick to slap down anyone who dives differently than they do.
If you want me to change my mind and my habits, show me why. Tell me how many people have gotten sick off of the mythical ooze growing in a BCD. What? No stats. Oh. It's just "bad". Meh. Lots of figjam divers wanting me to accept their fear-mongering, with little to no stats to back up their claims. Pretend I'm from Missouri and that you'll have to show me in order to get me to believe.
Personally, I believe in diving with clean gear. Yeah, flushing your BC more than once in its lifetime is a good thing. Diving in such a way that you don't get a lot of water in, to begin with, helps, but err on the side of good hygiene and you'll be fine. I see people diving with crud growing in their masks that makes me want to vomit. Just keep it clean. Who doesn't have time for that?
There was still time to do a fast okay on the surface,
What's the point? How does a "fast OK" help anyone when there's 10-foot waves? My philosophy is to shut up and dive. If it's a tech dive, do a thorough check at 20 and don't forget to spike your PO2.
Everyone dives a bit differently. Some have a fascination or need with rigid protocols of dubious effectiveness and some of us don't. That doesn't make either of us "BAD" divers. I've only been diving since 1969, have done some dives many (most?) would never attempt, and yet I've never been bent or seriously hurt on a dive, other than some cracked ribs from an over-protective manatee mom.