So how much weight was he carrying? How big is he? What was he wearing (besides khakis)?
My daughter had a BCD fail in the same spot--broke, not just unscrewed. We believe hers happened at depth. Neither of us noticed when it happened. I saw it when she signaled she was down to 1000 PSI.
We had performed a weight check at the beginning of the dive. She was just right at 8 pounds with a 5 mm wetsuit.
She was able to ascend by changing her aspect in the water and slowly finning. She had no trouble maintaining proper depth at our safety stop, and it required only gentle kicking to stay afloat once we surfaced.
I don't have any problem with his response--using the SMB while sinking would have been difficult. However, my general sense is that if dumping weight is the right answer to an emergency, the diver is almost certainly overweighted.
Overweight/underweight is the in-topic recently.
Don't jump to the conclusion too quickly.
Have you ever tried to float with half a full tank and the bc taking in water?
Dumping weight in that situation was the ONLY way.
I'm going to have to size with Scraps, that the initial logical assumption should be that the person in the story was over-weighted & I think I said so in an earlier reply to this topic.
- The standard weight-checking procedure at the beginning of a dive, should have you slightly positively buoyant with 80% lung capacity, and should have you slightly negatively buoyant with 20% lung capacity, at the surface with an empty BC
- The standard weight-checking procedure at the end of a dive, should have you slightly positively buoyant with 80% lung capacity, and should have you slightly negatively buoyant with 20% lung capacity, at 15 to 20ft deep with an empty BC. (edit: at about 500psi)
- Towards an end of a dive, you're even more bouyant, due to tanks being several points lighter. (by about 4 to 5 lbs)
- I've seen numerous instructors demonstrate they are able to ascend with ~80% lung capacity from depth, with no air in their BC.
I'm not super-dogmatic, that everyone must have the absolute least amount of weight possible, and understand there could be other factors or reasons why someone might carry more weight. Though if I was deliberately over-weighted (lets say, carrying spare weights due to leading a group), then I would suggest the excess weight be dumpable, without dumping all weight. While we don't have the person who experienced the problem in this thread, IMO, anyone who experiences something like this should first look at whether or not they have too much weight.