Bauer Junior II

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Reaction score
Crawfordville Fl
# of dives
500 - 999
First off thank you for allowing to be part of this group.
I picked this up yesterday off Marketplace for what I think is a deal. I paid $300 for it. The engine runs great. The compressor seems to make pressure but I only ran it for a minute so I could just make sure it worked. As you can see the filling hose/whip is missing. My local dive shop is closing the next closest one is an hour away so I think I will make good use of this. I have a few questions hoping you guys can help me out. I have been diving for year but never owned my own compressor. I have 6 tanks (myself and two kids al dive) plus my friend who dives with us all the time has 4 tanks so I sure we will use it. I am very good at working on things I am an engineer by trade and have worked on a ton of different things, hoping I can do the maintenance and repair to this unit myself since the closest repair place it over 4 hours away. Ok I'll admit it I am CHEAP (ok more frugal) but I am willing to spend money where it makes sense.

1) Is there an inexpensive way to put together a fill hose/whip for yoke valves? Or is Bauer the only option? Anyone got a good used one for sale?
I have an old (really old)1st and second stage regulator with psi gauge that I can rob parts from if they can be used.
2) Where can I buy new filters from?
3) Anyone want to trade an electric motor set up for my gas engine? I'd like a 110v single phase or 220v single phase motor. Or anyone know what model number electric motor I can use? Is the pulley for the gas engine the same for the eclectic motor?
4) Is there a manual that I can download (I am sure there is, got a link?) that tells how to adjust things? How to do the maintenance? What oils and filters are required? how to adjust the outlet PSI? Or am I just better off sending out to have it gone through the first time? is there a flat rate charge for this or a basic cost for doing this?
5) I noticed when I first had it running there wasn't any air coming out of the "outlet" where the hose whip is missing. If i opened the black drains the hose jumped around and air came out. does it have to run and build up PSI in the filter stack or is it possible a one way valve is stuck? How should I go about diagnosing it?

I am sure ill have more questions but let me thank you in advance. Ill be searching this forum to hopefully help me get more information on my many questions but thank you for your guidance as you answer me.


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1. If you really want to DIY, you can go to your local hydraulic shop and get the hose, then find the yoke fill whips. What I would recommend though is just calling John at Northeast Scuba Supply and he'll get a full whip done up for you.

2. Depending on the age you may want to replace the tower, Bauer says they're good for 15years, your pump is over 20, so your choice. If you don't replace it, fill outside only. Cartridges available here.
Read this, all of this, then read it again

3. You are unlikely to find someone to trade, if you search here you can probably find the motor number. You'll be better off purchasing the motor yourself. Pulley will depend on which motor you go with. The RPM of the gas motor is probably ~3600rpm, so if you go with a large enough electric motor in terms of HP then you'll still turn the pump at the same RPM so a 240vac motor will take the same pulley. A 120vac motor will not have enough HP to turn the pump at 2100rpm so you will need to change the pulley which will slow the pump RPM down and your fill rate accordingly.
Some info on this thread, but you'll want to use the search function as there are lots of threads on this site with a lot of in depth info.

4. Bauer Compressors - Scuba Engineer Pretty much everything you need to know will be on that website. I strongly recommend reading everything on there.
You do not have the ability to really adjust the outlet psi on that pump, or any pump really. You can add an electric shutoff switch that will stop it at a certain psi, but on that one you probably just have an OPV that will start blowing off once you hit max pressure.

5. you probably didn't let it run long enough to get over the PMV pressure. The pump has to get up to ~2000psi before air will go through the filters. Once you read the link in answer 2 you will understand that better.
The specs on this motor match what the manual says (and what was posted on here) is needed but its 110v
2.2Kw 3 Hp 3450 RPM 60hz.
It says a 5/8" shaft I need to measure the shaft on the gas engine if they are the same I cant imagine 200 Rpms would hurt much. Thoughts?

Here is the motor couldnt post a direct link. I know the mounting holes wont line up but i can make an adaptor plate no big deal.


The electric motor that you selected on Amazon will fit the base fine, since the motor is a 56 Frame. That is only one of many hurdles. Now the fun starts...The electric motor is very similar in speed to your gas engine, hence many can use use the same sheave (outer pulley on gas engine) provided it is a two piece design. Your Gas is 3/4" and your Electric has a 5/8" shaft, so you will have to change the inner bushing, in order to utilize the same outer pulley, which is relatively easy to do. Be sure to use the same style bushing style for proper fit to the sheave. should you have a one piece pulley, you will need to start all over for the 5/8" shaft. All of this is assuming you plan to run it at the same speed. However if you are truly fixated for only 120 Volts, I too agree it most likely will not work very well for you. Why? Most 120 volt outlets are wired with small AWG sized wires, which might be suitable for a lamp, radio, TV, etc. But a true 3HP, (2.2KW) electric motor will demand too many amps to run, and a whole lot more to start. Should you be able to provide this outlet with proper sized wire and circuit breaker sized accordingly, it technically could be done. I have sold more than 200 Bauer Juniors in my business, August Industries Inc. About 10 of which were 120 volt versions. In almost every case, there were application issues due to to amp loads. Some were solved using larger wires and a smaller pulley on the drive, to reduce the amp draw even lower. I also agree with the other postings that the best choice is to use 230 volts, it truly is what you need. Every home has 230 volts...use it. I am attaching two manuals for your Junior. One electric and one gas, so you can learn more about how they are set up. Comments on the PMV causing the delay in air coming out is spot on, there is about a 30 second delay when first filling, before air comes out while the purification tower is filling up to a minimum amount of pressure for proper filtration and separation.
Filling hose is really not expensive, we charge about $5.50 a foot and $6.50 an end. At the very least, buy new hose, the filling attachments can be whatever you want...
Start thinking of how you will be turning the electric motor on and off...the fun is only beginning!
P.S.- Congrats on a very good purchase! that was a steal.


Thank you very much for the advise and manuals. I was just being lazy on the 110v motor. Your right on the 22v motor Ill just add a new circuit for the compressor in 220v.
Thank you very much for the advise and manuals. I was just being lazy on the 110v motor. Your right on the 22v motor Ill just add a new circuit for the compressor in 220v.
2.2kw is possible to run on a true 20a circuit if nothing else is running on that circuit at the same time AND it has a soft start installed. Most of the issues with the smaller compressor motors is in getting them started. Unfortunately I do not know of any VFD's that will bring the voltage up that are larger than 1.5hp otherwise that would be the best option.
If you go 240v, then I would still use a 3-phase motor and put this guy on there. This will give you soft start and stop, give you a place to wire all of the stop circuits in, and also give you true speed control. The cost of soft-starts is annoying so going with a 3-phase motor and VFD is probably going to be cheaper.

I was thinking something like this just an on off switch:

3 Phase Self-Locking Pushbutton Switch CBSN-330 ON/Off 380VAC 30A​


I was thinking something like this just an on off switch:

3 Phase Self-Locking Pushbutton Switch CBSN-330 ON/Off 380VAC 30A​

you won't be able to run a 3hp motor on a 120vac circuit without a soft-starter, it will trip breakers and potentially melt the outlet.

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