headhunter:MikeF said that he used this reg on his stage bottle.
This thread is already a cluster, but just wanted to clarify one thing, MikeF (being in a very sarcastic mood) said that he uses a Sherwood on his ARGON bottle.
Big difference between the reg characteristics desired for stage vs. argon bottles. Stage bottles are breathed at depth (in most (but not all) applications, a dive requiring stage bottles will also be deep - therefore high performance is desired. Argon bottles are used to inflate a drysuit (ie. not breathed) and therefore a low performance reg that delivers gas at a slower rate is actually desireable.
And two 7' hoses... thanks for the laugh. Do you have retractors on those to manage the extra hose?? (note: this is sarcasm)
And for full disclosure, I am not a tech diver, but rather have enough tech diver in my circle of friends that I can speak about some aspects of the gear required.