It's a great configuration.
Consider adding the neo-socks, they amazed me.
I start by filling my booties & neosocks 1/2 full before zipping the booties, it can help but be a hedge against the cold water. Then continue up the suit. It's of particular value in the feet.
Consider adding the neo-socks, they amazed me.
I start by filling my booties & neosocks 1/2 full before zipping the booties, it can help but be a hedge against the cold water. Then continue up the suit. It's of particular value in the feet.
Daner:I dove this Sunday in the 7mil Arctic SGS fullsuit, step in 7mil Arctic hooded shorty, 5mil gloves and 5 mil boots. Water temp was 41F, maximum depth was 29 feet with a total dive time of 38 minutes. Fingers started getting chilled at about 30 minutes and upon exit I noticed my feet were a little numb but they didn't feel cold in the water. As soon as I got dry clothes on I wasn't cold at all (air temp was low 50s) so I guess my core was kept warm.
I didn't dump any warm water in the suit prior to the dive but I found that there was no rush of cold water upon entry anyway so I don't think it would have done anything anyway. Now last year the coldest I dove was 56F in a rented 7mil farmer john and jacket with bibbed hood. There was an uncomfortable rush of cold water down the neck when I first got in the water. I found the 7mil Arctic SGS combo in 41F was far more comfortable than the 7mil farmer john/jacket/bibbed hood in 56F.
Edit: BTW I find the 'it gets pretty cold, here, in Southern California' quite funny but I guess its all relative.