...while Atomics CAN be expensive, they don't have to be expensive...take a look at the 'Z' series ones. I'm diving both 'piston' regs (Atomic M1 + T2) as well as diaphragm ones (Apex XTX 200 (2) ....Aqualung Titan LX (1) half a dozen Poseidon Jetstreams....and several Mares regs) ......and honestly, they all work just fine. I really woundn't spend too much time worring about piston versus diaphragm...other than to say, if you dive in a cold/silty environment...AND choose a piston reg, make sure to get the environmental sealed 1st-stage kit installed.....sometimes that 'kit' already comes as 'standard' on a piston reg anyway. Also, Atomics use Christolube-filled 1st-stages when they are environmentally sealed, which is cleaned out/replaced when serviced....which may add an extra $ 30 - $ 40 to the service cost.
No, Atomic are expansive compare to other brand, even with its Z series. Think about the whole working system. The cheapest Atomic regulator: Z2 1st+2nd & Z2 octo, it will cost almost $700. You can get a reasonable high end reg set from Oceanic for $450.
Now Atomic users may argue you get what you pay for, which I do NOT doubt. But in terms of whether Atomics are more expansive, that cannot be disputed either.