For those using a single dilout bottom gas, have you ever actually lost it on a dive?
I ask because I used to dive that way, but actually having a lost gas situation changed my attitude about it. For me it was the 150' 21/35 scenario described above and I had to get up to plug in my 32%. I never want to have that situation on a mod3 dive, f@$k that.
I now have two 108s of deep mod3 gas. I simply use that for every mix dive. Often for simplicity, I'll just use mix an entire trip NDL dives and all.
I ask because I used to dive that way, but actually having a lost gas situation changed my attitude about it. For me it was the 150' 21/35 scenario described above and I had to get up to plug in my 32%. I never want to have that situation on a mod3 dive, f@$k that.
I now have two 108s of deep mod3 gas. I simply use that for every mix dive. Often for simplicity, I'll just use mix an entire trip NDL dives and all.