I just read this post in its entirety. 9 hours later and I am completely unnerved by some of the things that transpired. Naturally my heart goes out to the family and to the witnesses to this tragic event. I was born and raised in Florida and was swimming before I can even remember. The joke in my family is my real father was aqua-man and am regularly accused of having gills. At age 8 I was able to sit contently at the bottom of a pool for 3+ minutes. I feel more at home under the water in all its splendor than I do above the surface with most of the alien inhabitants that make me feel more and more isolated as each day of my dry life passes. My sub-oceanic experiences date back to an age of 5 or so as I clung to my dads tank sucking on his secondary having the time of my life chasing bugs around. (All at fairly shallow depth and within safe conditions) By age 10, I was piloting the boat while divers were down following bubbles around and assisting with all the gear, departing, and embarking. I made numerous dives as I grew up being a non-certified diver, and yes I knew the inherent dangers and limitations involved.( I can feel the heat and screams of horror before even hitting the submit button) At age 29 I figured it was about time to fork out the dough and take my OW cert with a well respected and very established LDS here in Melbourne. I am now seeking to get my AOW and possibly continue it further. I look forward to the classes, the awesome instructors, and trying to increase my wet time as life has derailed me from my passion. My instructors were top notch and made the whole experience one to remember although most of what I was taught was learned from my father. NONE! of these ill practices come recommended, so please do not commence with the beatings. =P
Now on to what bothers me most about this thread. Having every certification, degree, or title possible in no way makes any one person/corporation in any aspect of life responsible, capable, or for that matter deservant of the title or degree they hold. That fact is due to the simple human characteristics and the flaws that become us. The corruption of the society and the programs we create to govern ourselves and the greed that drives motivations. I am in no way discrediting the capable and truly deservant whom are dedicated and earned the accreditation's and uphold the honor of all it encompasses. This like so many other sports are safe within reason and will become deadly before one can even realize whats happened. (Yes, I have had 2 near death/drowing experiences, and not from those unmentionable acts listed above.) I truly honor and respect those that teach and guide, "BUT" it is ultimately up to "ME" to save my own arse be you paid or not, lifetime buddy, or complete stranger.!. I commend those who choose to to teach and truly feel for those tasked with willfull ignorance and disregard for others, and circumstances pushed upon you. As for this DM we speak of in this situation I can only imagine her frustration, confusion, horror, and grief. Afterall, how much was she rushed to accomodate?? To what degree was she briefed in the facts of the matter??? How many red flags were evident??? Who in their right mind can accost or assume her or their actions in that given situation????? There is something incredibly eerie and stomach turning that is going on in this situation we may never find the truth in. Any macho a$$ can sit behind their computer and insist what their actions would have been in this situation. The fact of the matter is no one knows what transpired 100%, except the DM and the deceased. I can only speculate what I would do and would never itnerject my reaction/action into this reality. I really hoped to find a final resolution from this tragedy and wish those involved never had to live this memory. To the members of the forum who choose to share the experience, I tip my hoodie to you. There is sooooo much to be taken from this tragedy. If I can summarize I wish to say to those that think they could single handedly drag me unwillingly to the surface from any depth is, you are SADLY mistaken !!! I am in controll of my life and if I have any controll of my death, deep, dark, and peacefull in the arms of my creator is how I will choose to pass!!! So it is written, and so it will be known, alone I will go; for I would never wish that burden of grief on anyone.
Sorry for the long winded interjection as this post left me with many thoughts and no real answers, so many things were wrong right from the beginning. Perhaps resolution, clartiy, and truth may follow; possibly not. But what I think we can all learn is to be responsible for ourselves and question those that lead us into the unknown. Our teachers, guides, buddies, and spouses are not baby sitters; as we are grown adults. If I am ever paired up with "YOU" and you are foolish and derelict resulting in me risking my own life to save you, I'm affraid I will just wave "buh bye" as the world is probably better off without you to begin with. I would expect no less if I were the conflictor/derelict. Sad but true!
There are 3 thing I would love to question and truly think may be of the most importance within the industry??
1. As a person who is certified to teach, instruct, guide, rescue, and certify. Would it not be prudent to have the authorization to restrict, rescind/repossess/ suspend the license, and report the actions to the crediting agencies of the license holder and even the authorities in a worse case scenario? Leaving the individual to plead the case with the issuing agency? I believe if a corporation/entity as a regulator representing the community , collects funds, sets its standards as a licensing agency they should be fully responsible for the repossession/suspension as well !!!!!!!! Perhaps that might make people aware somewhat of their consequences and actions.
2. Proper medical evaluations by registered physicians within a regulatory board of registry and done in periodic yearly increments increasing with age????
3. Why am I forced to buy a license in the guise that I am being kept safe whilst I am excluded should I not pay up even though I may be perfectly capable of learning and training on my own self in this skill of recreational diving? Do mountain climbers need a card to go to 30,000? Does a skier need a card to do a triple black diamond?? Do i need a card to own or possess a 50 cal pistol? NOPE!!!!! which leads me to ask question number 1 and 2.......
I guess I should go post my

noob to the board post at this point, wishing everyone that reads this safe passage through the wet and dry in life!