I've been following this post from the beginning and I know there's been a lot of speculation about WHY Mrs. Wood took off like that and shook off/fought/argued with the DM who wanted her to come back up. Given her "strong personality" (as described by several who knew her), I'm now wondering if she didn't actually see something (a shark, manta, etc.) and decide to go chase it and didn't realise how deep she was going? I mean, most of us have done that at one time or another (especially photogs like me): suddenly you check your air and depth and think "Oh *****! How did I do that?" And then you have to start ascending carefully.
Now once Mrs. Wood had her "encounter" with the DM, it's clear she must have had a good idea how deep she was. But given her forceful personality, I can just imagine her saying to herself, "Oh I can go a little deeper - I've got plenty of air. And I really want to see that shark!" (I say this because I've dived with women like this before.)
Of course, as Bowl of Petunias has so correctly pointed out, we have no idea what all the pressure would have done to her rational thinking processes. And that's because nobody has ever done a study of scuba diving type pressures on a human post stroke/"cerebral incident" (as they call it here in France). But I suppose that's because most doctors would never advise you to dive after something like that.
Lastly - thanks again to OnlyHalcyon for being brave enough to come back on here and talk with us some more. You have answered a lot of tough questions (and put up with flak from silly people). I admire your courage!
Now once Mrs. Wood had her "encounter" with the DM, it's clear she must have had a good idea how deep she was. But given her forceful personality, I can just imagine her saying to herself, "Oh I can go a little deeper - I've got plenty of air. And I really want to see that shark!" (I say this because I've dived with women like this before.)
Of course, as Bowl of Petunias has so correctly pointed out, we have no idea what all the pressure would have done to her rational thinking processes. And that's because nobody has ever done a study of scuba diving type pressures on a human post stroke/"cerebral incident" (as they call it here in France). But I suppose that's because most doctors would never advise you to dive after something like that.
Lastly - thanks again to OnlyHalcyon for being brave enough to come back on here and talk with us some more. You have answered a lot of tough questions (and put up with flak from silly people). I admire your courage!
